Local conveyance Primary approval pending list
SNo. LC For Claim Ref No Claim Ref Date Staff Petrol Food Accomodation Remark PA Status PA By SA Status SA By Action
1 Staff LC/0269 23-06-2023 Umashankar Varma 3000.00 410.00 0.00 Cab Charge already taken advance from finance. Pending claim food charge 410/-(Breakfast) only. Pending Pending Satish Kumar D
2 Staff LC/0173 21-12-2022 Manish Kumar Gupta 4658.00 0.00 100.00 client and vendor meeting Pending Pending Satish Kumar D
3 Staff LC/0155 22-11-2022 Gyarala Yeshwanth Goud 474.51 0.00 0.00 Petrol Allowance's Pending Pending Satish Kumar D
4 Runner Boys LC/0051 23-10-2021 Avinash 182.00 0.00 0.00 stock pickup to kirti nagar GMNC
For merino order
Pending Pending Satish Kumar D